Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Return of the Writer..

Okay, so.. hold back your shock, I decided to try out this blog thing.. again..

WTF? Why is this oddly elusive girl suddenly starting a blog now, you ask?

Well, a few reasons:

1. I have a lot of conversations with myself. NO really.. like all the freakin’ time. Sometimes in my head (like, who doesn’t? Get off you high horses, you all do it too) and then sometimes out-loud, especially in the car (yep, I am sure all the people driving by me think either I got a wicked ass little earpiece, or I am bat-sh*t crazy... which I am but seriously, stay on topic people). Anyways, point being, I talk to myself a lot, and I am damn funny sometimes (that could be the crazy talking, but get off my back!)

2. I always wanted to be a writer, ever since I was a little kid writing ridiculously bad stories (like the one about a little kid pulling a prank on his evil older sister on Halloween, which I totally stole from an episode of Highway to Heaven)

3. I am a big loser and bored a lot

4. I suddenly remembered I HAD a blog started.. and since I like to talk to inanimate object, I might as well talk to..er.. this blog. Which I completely expect no one to read, so since I read it outloud while I am writing, it is really being told to my cats, Dr. Zaius & Baby Rår. And my Fish. And the Pikachu keychain at my computer desk..

So, to that end, here is my first post.


Well, actually I really had nothing to say other than that right now, cuz I gotta go clean out my aquarium (we’ll save my aquarium obsession for a later time.. yep, hold back your freakin’ enthusiasm, I know yer totally stoked =P). .

So... er.. here is a funny picture:

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