Blog bewilderings...
I've never done a blog before. I always wondered how someone started one. What do you say in the beginning? Sometimes I wondered why one started a blog, but, being a writer by nature, or at least, formally a writer and now long out of practice, I CAN understand the inherent therapeutic nature of writing. And, as a consistent rambler since childhood, I can calso understand why sometimes you just have things to say.. in fact, sometimes a LOT of things to say, and nowhere to put them.
So why not a diary? Why not a leather-bound diary with a little gold locks and colourful lines pages like people had in days of old? Why make it public?
Because we live in an electronic age, full of addictions to computers and media and email and electronic communication of all varieties, and the sense of privacy and personal affairs has become more and more unknown. Perhaps it is part of our inherent yet constanty fruitless desire to feel less alone, that somehow publishing personal oppinions makes us feel more connected, and therefore less lonely. Perhaps it is just because it is easier to make your journal look pretty with changeable sidebars and pictures and borders and themes.
Peronally, I just did it partly because I like HTML and I like editing things. =) .. So I guess I have a blog because I am a computer nerd, and an editor.
This still brings me back, however, to the unanswered dilemna about what one says in the beginning. Does one just begin rambling? Does one introduce themselves? If you are writing a blog assuming you may not tell anyone about it, and that the blog is mostly for your own benefit, this seems pointless. So do you just begin talking about things with little introduction? If no one is to read it save myself, it is irrellevant to explain where my points of view come from.. yet is is a public communication by the fact that it is on the internet, so one assumes someone MAY in fact read it, and this will just end up being a confusing montage of things that make little sense to those that do wander into my blog....
Oh.. woe.. so many questions... so much confusion.... so little sleep....